The Independent Group of Public Ambulatory Care Institutions Warsaw-Ochota


What to do if you're unexpectedly caught in a storm while on holiday?

What to do if you're unexpectedly caught in a storm while on holiday?

What to do when a storm unexpectedly catches you during your vacation?
  • First, as quickly as possible, look for a safe shelter. If you are unable to find shelter, try to find low ground and crouch there, bringing your legs together.
  • Remember to avoid standing under trees, power poles, or in open spaces - these are places that attract lightning.
  • If you're in a car, stay inside - it's one of the safer places during a storm.
  • If you're in the water, get out as soon as possible and move away from it.
  • Last tip, but equally important: try not to touch metallic objects as they can conduct electricity.
Remember, safety is the most important thing, even during a holiday.
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